8-bit CPU family opcode tables

Reverse opcode tables/matrices for some 8-bit CPU families I'm interested in.

Some tables combine opcodes for binary compatible CPUs within each family, for a comprehensive (if a bit crowded) overview over the differences.

Intel 8080/8085 opcode table

A combined opcode table showing all Intel 8080 and 8085 opcodes together. The 8085 (1976) was a binary compatible successor to the 8080 (1974). The design was followed by the 8086 which gave rise to the x86 architecture, and also inspired the popular Zilog Z80 CPU.

Fairchild F8 opcode table

Opcode table for the Fairchild F3850/Mostek MK3870 CPU in the F8 family, used in the Fairchild Channel F video game console (the first to use ROM cartridges). It was very popular in its time, but its design was very different from the CPUs that would take over the market in the 80s (there's no address bus, for example, which is reflected in the instruction set).

Motorola 6800/6801/6803/Hitachi 6303 opcode table

A combined opcode table showing all Motorola 6800 (1974), 6801 (1978), 6803 and Hitachi 6303 opcodes together. The M6800 system was popular but expensive, giving rise to the similar and significantly cheaper MOS 6502. The design was later followed by the more popular 6809 and then 68000 CPUs.

Motorola 6809/Hitachi 6309 opcode table

A combined opcode table showing all Motorola 6809 (1979) and Hitachi 6303 (1982) opcodes together.

Datapoint 2200/Intel 8008 opcode table

A combined opcode table showing all Datapoint 2200 and Intel 8008 opcodes together.

Intel 4004/4040 opcode table

A combined opcode table showing all Intel 4004 and 4040 opcodes together.